We know you have a lot of choices when you buy an
Electric Scooter . . . but we will get you the Guaranteed Lowest Price and
you can plug into our Service Center at the same time.
Open Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4
SERVING ALL AREAS 800.733.1818
Open Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4 | SERVING ALL AREAS
Used Electric
3 Wheel Mobility Scooters
available in 3-Wheel and 4-Wheeled models. The Go-Go is the most
popular lightweight compact model for the seniors and Traveller. Easy to
use foldable GoGo is available too. Manufacturers include Pride
Mobility, Golden, Shoprider, Amigo Shabbat, Drive. Price used mobility
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GARDEN GROVE CA. 12557 Harbor Blvd., (800)824-3145