12557 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove CA
Used Pride GoGo Jazzy Electric Wheelchairs
The GoGo Jazzy® Power Chair offers a wide range of mobility solutions that are built for the real world. From easily portable power wheelchairs, to robust models with Active-Trac® ATX Suspension for enhanced performance over varied terrain, there is a GoGo Jazzy Power Chair to suit anyone's needs. With its superb construction, unparalleled maneuverability and ease of operation, it's no wonder the GoGo Jazzy Power Chair is America's #1 Power Chair! PLEASE CALL KRAUS MOBILITY FOR BEST PRIDE GoGo Jazzy NEW AND USED.
Open Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4
12557 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove (800)824-3145
2 mi. S. of Disney, across St. McDonalds
907 Hollywood Way, Burbank (800)233-7382
2 mi. S. of Airport, 1/2 bl. S. of Magnolia Bl.
1035 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix (800)733-1818
1 mi. E. of Camelback Rd., near 12th St.
San Francisco Bay Area (877)727-1954
San Diego Metropolitan (800)727-1954
Riverside/Inland Empire (800)528-3962
Houston Metropolitan (800)446-5040
NATIONWIDE (800)551-2010
907 Hollywood Way, Burbank CA 800-233-7382
12557 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove CA (800)824-3145
1035 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix
AZ 85014
602-277-0706 (800)477-0248
SERVING: Tucson, Mesa, Chandler, Glendale
AZ, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Tempe, Peoria, Surprise, and
all metro